Our Mission and Ministry

Growing Together:

Over the last decade the Diocese of Edinburgh has had an integrated and effective strategy for mission and ministry. Our Mission and Ministry Committee has sought to place its concerns at the heart of Diocesan life. Both the Bishop and the Dean sit on this committee and this ensures that the decisions of other committees and the Standing Committee are seen through the lens of Mission and Ministry.

The Committee serves the diocese at all levels. It works with individual clergy and laity, it helps congregations to discern and to fulfil their vocation and it oversees diocesan initiatives.

In 2017-18, representatives from all the charges of the diocese gathered together in prayer and reflection to discern the vision and priorities of our diocese. Based on the Anglican Five Marks of Mission, we articulated the priorities for the next stage of our journey as a diocese as Growing Together and nurturing the SEEDS that God sows around us.

Serving our Communities: We are called to listen to the needs of the communities around us and to work for the Kingdom of God by speaking and acting for change in our neighbourhood, our nation and our world. We will cherish God’s creation, care for the stranger, and serve our communities , seeking to build honest relationships and mutual trust across all sectors of society.
Engaging All Generations: We are called to in spire people of all ages to grow in knowing, loving and serving God. We will be communities of generous welcome, open to being re shaped by the other as we create space for all people to belong and contribute, especially children, teenagers and young adults.
Enabling Ministry: We are called to encourage, develop and equip all God s people to discern and use their gifts in God’s service. We will share resources and good practice across congregations for mutual flourishing, together committing ourselves to be wise and generous stewards of God’s buildings, finance and people.
Developing Disciples: We are called to cultivate communities of disciples, rooted in prayer and worship, nurtured by Word and Sacrament and bearing fruit by the Holy Spirit. We will inspire and encourage each other in following Christ and being transformed by the Spirit, drawing others deeper into faith through courageous trust, generous giving, and sacrificial love.
Sharing Faith: We are called to reveal the love of God through our words, attitudes, relationships and actions, being attentive to the work of God. We will grow in our confidence to share the good news of Jesus in actions and words, listening to others and sowing seeds of faith, as together we trust in the faithfulness of God to bring new life and hope.

The Diocesan Mission and Ministry Committee, through individuals on the committee and through the Advisor for Christian Life, aims to support those in authorised ministry in the diocese and charges, as they seek to grow in their discipleship and serve God in each context.  

For more information on the work of the Committee please click here.